Hello there! You have just downloaded a design from Hai Naku Lala. Below is your download information: Design Title: Wishin' and Hopin' Type: IFrame Design Series: Toni Gonzaga Record: 007 Below is a little guide on how to edit and use the layout. 1. To start editing, open index.html using your favorite html editor (Ex. Notepad). From here, you can edit the Title, the Subtitle, the Links and the Footer. 2. To change the title, simpy edit the words in between the tags and 3. To edit the subtitle, modify the words in between the following tags: 4. Edit your navigation links within the tags: Make sure to target them to the frame named "wishin" if you want the links to open there example: Link Name Here 5. I added a spacer in between the links in the navigation that's why I used Tables coding for it. If ever you need help in coding, you can always contact me. 6. For that small footer below the image, look for then change it to your settings but please don't remove my link :) 7. To edit the site content, in the IFrame, open main.html and change the headers and content text to your liking 8. The credits page can be edited by opening credits.html 9. The sample page, which you may duplicate, and make more pages for your site is link.html Hope you enjoy using this layout. If you have any trouble editing simply contact me through the following infos: email me at darkm00n_glaive_rider@yahoo.com.ph visit my site at http://norven.x-tenshi.com LICENSE: This layout is free for any type of usage(i.e Blog, fansite, etc...) as long as the attribution link remains intact. You may modify part of images, or styles or redistribute this layout as long as the credits area is not deleted and you do not claim it as yours. Copyright © Norven of Hai Naku Lala, All rights reserved 2008