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About The DesignYup, another design. Well, this one is a bit "basic" compared to the other DXD designs I've released, but I still like it. I know the only changable thing about the banner is the title, but it's still enough in my opinion. I was going to add links to the banner, but when I added zero-kun to the right in the background, it would have made it look weird since they wouldn't be clean-looking links. The design is obviously red-themed. I was trying to convey the theme for "blood" and "vampires". being that the series it's from is "Vampire Knight". Overall, I am pleased with the design. P.S. - Design is XHTML and CSS valid Using The DesignAs always, the design is very easy to use. The design only uses a series of h1, h2, p, li, and a tags. Just download the design, unzip it, and upload it to your website. Be sure to include the ./images and ./xml folders, or the design will not show properly. Also, if you like the design but you don't want wo use flash to generate your websites name on the banner, I have included a .jpg file of the banner(without text). So you can easily add your website's name on the banner without using flash on your site if you don't want to. FeedbackBe sure to give us feedback at, every bit of feedback is appreciated. Thank you, and enjoy! |
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