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Tearstone // The site title goes here

Name: Christine
Occupation: a multi-kazillionaire
Interests: Sports, web-design / graphics, cookery, writing, more...
This is a box where you can put information about yourself or a summary of the website or whatever. Do what you wish with it. It is just a little box for any use you can think of. There is another one like this below.

More information can go here or maybe a set of links. You could turn this into a marquee of button links for your affiliates or link exchanges. Maybe you have more credits to add.

Tearstone // Welcome to the Site

Welcome to Tearstone. Tearstone is the name I chose for the site, but you are able to change it to what you want. It's a pretty image, isn't it? It took me at least a few hours to code, at the sacrifice of some schoolwork ;_;... back to the grind for me once I finish coding and making this.

About the Layout
It's quite nice, don't you think? Though I have to say I'm not too pleased with the design,but I'm VERY happy with the coding. It's usually the other way around for me. I'm hopeless at coding, but this seemed to turn out ok. I'm sure I've many unprofessional shortcuts in the code, and done things that didn't need to be done or something that could've been alot easier for myself as I was coding, but... ah, I'm rambling now. Please bear in mind, that the information boxes above can only contain a certain amount of information before the page stretches and the slices images go all horrible and not-too-nice. Just keep that in mind when you use them. :)

Terms of Use
A few terms and rules for downloading this layout. You mustn't redistribute, or take credit for my or other people's work. You can see the credits at the bottom of this layout - do not remove!! They're there for a reason, and you must not change anything. Apart from the Site ©, where you can change the You for your own name, domain, or whatever. You may not steal any of the codes in this layout, or directly copy. I personally don't mind you looking at the codes, to help you learn about HTML (to see how it works, whatever) but directly copying and pasting onto your own work is not permitted. It's not learning then, is it? I'm terrible at HTML, but I managed to make layouts, right? So if I can do it... anybody can. Do not take any of the goodies made with this layout please. I love making goodies, and it's not nice to take things... :( It makes me sad when people steal. Go to Celestial-Star for full terms.

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Downloaded from C-S.NET
Image by Victoria Frances from A.NET
Texture from H-G.NET
Site ©