Hello and a BIG welcome to site YOUR SITE NAME WHAT Is (YOUR SITE NAME) you may be asking? Well here you can write what you want about your site and so on? But make sure you don't go over the height as it will carry on down over the layout. So keep an eye where writing here.

About this Layout

This is just a Div layout base within a table, it as pass both CSS and HTML. The image was sent to me by a friend so I don't know who or where it came from. I hope you enjoy this layout, look for the txt file foe more help.
This layout as been tested in IE and Fox Browsers.

A few Rules to Follow

Ok, You will see that I have placed all the credits and links at the Bottom of the links, So please DO NOT EDIT OR REMOVE!.
Please don't claim this layout as your own work, I have worked hard on it and It would not be nice seeing someone else claiming it's them that did the work!.
If there are any problems with this layout, please let me know by emailing me!
Do not redistribute this layout without permission!. Do however enjoying using this layout!.

How to use!

Download and unzip onto to your desktop if you like?.

Open index.html and edit with Notepad or a WYSIWYG editor
Add all your content and edit the links! look for the txt file, I have told you how to edit and so on in that.
To add more pages!, just copy the index.html and rename it to whatever name you want. then just re-edit the copy and edit the index.html links.
Upload everything to your server with the images in the images folder, the paths should always stay the same!, or the layout won't work properly!.
If you need anymore help! Well you know what to do :)


Bold - Italic - underline


Valid CSS! Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional