Let Love In...
Another Tsubasa themed layout. Inspired by the newest album by the Goo Goo Dolls. Sakura & Sayoran from the ninth volume. Navigation uses the little numbers above this frame. #5 must link back to Rainbowshade.Scrolling Test
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis eu risus non massa pharetra tincidunt. Suspendisse et lectus. Donec neque nulla, ornare nec, tincidunt vel, consequat non, leo. Cras ipsum. Maecenas in mauris. Cras condimentum malesuada eros. Proin eros lectus, fermentum faucibus, rhoncus iaculis, tempus eget, pede. Suspendisse auctor justo non est. Aliquam a lacus. Maecenas faucibus laoreet quam.A few things...
You must leave the credit links. I don't want to have to take layouts away after all the work I put into them. If you'd like for me to see what you are doing with the layout feel free to drop me a line via GM@il.Credits & Copyrights
Your Site Title is ©opyright Your Name. Layout designed by: Tequila. Image from Celestial Star. TRC is ©opypright CLAMP.