











Hello and welcome to your new layout ^^. I really like this one. It was done with using many brushes and Angelina Jolie's eyes. Colors are really nice, right?
I hope you will like this layout enough to use it.
As usual, "The Eyes of Thunder" uses css and tables. Below are few easy steps on usign and editing the layout. If you will have any questions you can mail me at leggyelf@yahoo.com or you can also find me in MSN: vampXeto@hotmail.com. I'd be glad to help you out with any problem you'll have with this layour or other ^^.
Enjoy! <3

Using the Layout

First of all you need to download the layout. Mostly, all files that layout contains (images, index.html and etc.) are located in the ziped file. To unzip the zipped file you will need WinZip. You must unzip the layout to your computer.
After unziping the layout, open index.html with Notepad or any other HTML progrma. To edit the layout, you must know enought about HTML. If you don't, there are lots of different sites that have enought HTML tutprials to get you started. In index.html you need to edit the navigation links and content. To make a new page, just copy index.html and pase it, then rename it to whatever you want.
After you edited the layout and added your own content you need to upload every file to your main server or host. It's important to upload index.html withought changing the name. If you will changeit the page won't work at all.
It's easy, you just need to practice ^^.
Here are some simple rules to follow:
1. Do not Redistribute this Layout;
2. Don not remove the credits or link back to me.
3. Don not use the avatar ot other graphics outside this layout.
4. Do not alter images, HTML or CSS in any way.

Enjoy! <3



Layout by eTo
Eyes©Angelina Jolie =)
Brushes from Celestial-Star.Net and Moargh.De
Your Site Name©You

Downloaded at Celestial-Star.Net